No Trying, But Trusting
February 17th, 2023
The Holy Spirit is the Helper and He has the seal of ownership over us. Because we are His property, and are the temple of God, the earthly tent where He dwells, we are different from the world. In th...  Read More
Jesus’ Model life
February 16th, 2023
We cannot please God by satisfying our fleshly desires. As believers we all try to live a life that pleases God but we have out weak points.People habituated to a certain bad habit cannot be trusted w...  Read More
Let the Spirit do it!
February 15th, 2023
There is only one way that can lead us to God and it’s not a geographical route, it’s not an ideology, it’s not philosophy, but a person - Jesus is the Way! John 14. 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way an...  Read More
The Diversity Of The Holy Spirit
February 14th, 2023
The Holy Spirit works in two areas:Inner strength - for our lifeOuter strength - for our ministryThe moment we are saved, the Holy Spirit comes inside of us. It is an internal operation of the Holy Sp...  Read More
The Holy Spirit Is Waiting For You
February 13th, 2023
Spiritual revival/ awakening is a much needed necessity in the present day world. Many Christians are sleeping spiritually and have become spiritually dead. It is the Holy Spirit who ignites us to be ...  Read More
The Chariots Of Joseph
February 11th, 2023
The infinite Lord has  come to our finite mind. As it is said in the scriptures “I will give my Spirit to all”.Ephesians 1:17-1817 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Fat...  Read More
Value The Treasure In You
February 10th, 2023
The Holy Spirit who lives in us is not just a power but a powerful personality. He is holy as His name indicates; one without any sin. He comes to us to make us like Him. Another character of the Holy...  Read More
“Who is the Holy Spirit?”
February 9th, 2023
Through God's words we are informed about how a believer must lead his or her lives very clearly. We see in the epistles that 1) We have received forgiveness through Jesus. 2) We have received a new l...  Read More
Indwelling and Outpoured Holy Spirit
February 8th, 2023
This week we're focusing on how much we need to be dependent on the Holy Spirit in order to  overcome the flesh. It's more important to yield to and be led by the Holy Spirit than gathering volumes of...  Read More
Be Filled With The Holy Spirit
February 7th, 2023
Even after the Spirit comes inside of you, many times we need an infilling of the Holy Spirit. Does that mean that   the Holy Spirit leaves you from time to time? No!The Holy Spirit has been given to ...  Read More
Inner Strength And Outer Strength
February 6th, 2023
What is flesh? How do we defeat the flesh and live in the Spirit?We need to understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.God is a living person (not an ideology) and this is a fact that Satan d...  Read More
Blessed In The Heavenly Places
February 4th, 2023
The study begins from Romans 8:10 onwards..Romans 8:10And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right with God...  Read More