God Will Take You Out Of Any Pit

An expectant heart is blessed, because that is when the Holy Spirit can truly work wonders. Many of us experience despair and a total lack of hope in our lives. Joseph’s father Jacob also experienced this world view at one point in his life. Jacob for a long time thought that Joseph was dead, later assumed that Benjamin would also die and he feared that each of his sons would wither away and he too would die soon and go to hell. Many of us go through phases of sorrow and despair in our lives. But the Spirit of the Lord is able to lift us from such situations. However big or bad your situation is, remember that our God is powerful and he cares for you.
Isaiah 59:1 says, ‘Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.’
God’s hands are long enough to lift us out of the pits we fall into, however deep it may be.
Isaiah 66:1 says, ‘This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?’
His legs are long enough to be placed on Earth as his footstool, while his body is in heaven on the throne. Again indicating that nothing is too long or too short for the Lord to pick you up from.
Psalm 40:1-3 says, ‘1 I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.’
In this verse, we are asked to wait patiently for the Lord; for His promises to be fulfilled, for answers to our prayer etc. Just picture this verse, Jesus turning to you, moving closer to hear your prayers as you cry to him. He moves into action. Once he hears your cry, he lifts you up from your slimy pit and places you on a firm place to stand. When you fall into a pit, the only thing you can do is cry.
When Joseph was put into the pit by his brothers, we can only assume what his state of mind was. He could have called out for each of his brothers, asking for their help. Joseph could call out for Rueben, Judah, Naphtali etc, begging for his life. But God heard his prayers and that is why certain trades people came that way. When you are in the midst of a problem, oftentimes it’s not the people who you think will help you that come to your rescue and when that happens hopelessness and despair sinks in.
But remember that our Jesus will always help us and be ever ready to take us out of the slimy pit and give us a firm place to stand. In the Bible, rock refers to Jesus as He is the rock of all ages. Believe that your foot is placed on this rock. This rock will not move and will not disappoint you. He put a new song in your mouth, which means that He will give you a new story to tell, a new miracle and a new blessing in your life. God wants to do something new in your life.
David was a king who gave a lot of importance to worship. David was a worshipper and he would sing and dance even in the middle of the street. At the beginning of this chapter, it is written ‘for the director of music. Of David. A psalm.’ This also means that David probably had music directors in his court. When he goes through an experience, he immediately jots down his thoughts and feelings. At that time the crowd, his people danced with joy. When David reigned as the king, he created a lot of music and released the spirit of worship to his people as well.
He wrote Psalms 40 when he was going through a very troubled time where no one was able to help him. He was in a slimy pit without anyone’s help. Remember that even if people in your life don’t come to your rescue, our God will always rescue us and take us out of the slimy pit, to give us a life that is stable and firm. He will take care of us and not let us fall and wallow. Instead, he will give us new blessings, new miracles. When David destroyed Goliath, King Saul gave him his daughter Michal. She did not like David worshipping. She did not like to see him sing songs of praise or jump up with joy in worship in public places. She mocked him all the time and she was in turn cursed and left barren.
Psalms 40:3 says ‘…Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.’
Seeing this person squirming and crying out loud in distress in a slimy pit and then the Lord helping them out of this pit to a firm place will act as a testimony for others and an encouragement to put their trust in the Lord. Many people will come to faith because of your testimony. God can help you out of any deep, slimy situation. Put your trust in him, hold on to him and trust him with all your heart and your testimony will be the beacon of hope for many around you.
Isaiah 59:1 says, ‘Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.’
God’s hands are long enough to lift us out of the pits we fall into, however deep it may be.
Isaiah 66:1 says, ‘This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?’
His legs are long enough to be placed on Earth as his footstool, while his body is in heaven on the throne. Again indicating that nothing is too long or too short for the Lord to pick you up from.
Psalm 40:1-3 says, ‘1 I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.’
In this verse, we are asked to wait patiently for the Lord; for His promises to be fulfilled, for answers to our prayer etc. Just picture this verse, Jesus turning to you, moving closer to hear your prayers as you cry to him. He moves into action. Once he hears your cry, he lifts you up from your slimy pit and places you on a firm place to stand. When you fall into a pit, the only thing you can do is cry.
When Joseph was put into the pit by his brothers, we can only assume what his state of mind was. He could have called out for each of his brothers, asking for their help. Joseph could call out for Rueben, Judah, Naphtali etc, begging for his life. But God heard his prayers and that is why certain trades people came that way. When you are in the midst of a problem, oftentimes it’s not the people who you think will help you that come to your rescue and when that happens hopelessness and despair sinks in.
But remember that our Jesus will always help us and be ever ready to take us out of the slimy pit and give us a firm place to stand. In the Bible, rock refers to Jesus as He is the rock of all ages. Believe that your foot is placed on this rock. This rock will not move and will not disappoint you. He put a new song in your mouth, which means that He will give you a new story to tell, a new miracle and a new blessing in your life. God wants to do something new in your life.
David was a king who gave a lot of importance to worship. David was a worshipper and he would sing and dance even in the middle of the street. At the beginning of this chapter, it is written ‘for the director of music. Of David. A psalm.’ This also means that David probably had music directors in his court. When he goes through an experience, he immediately jots down his thoughts and feelings. At that time the crowd, his people danced with joy. When David reigned as the king, he created a lot of music and released the spirit of worship to his people as well.
He wrote Psalms 40 when he was going through a very troubled time where no one was able to help him. He was in a slimy pit without anyone’s help. Remember that even if people in your life don’t come to your rescue, our God will always rescue us and take us out of the slimy pit, to give us a life that is stable and firm. He will take care of us and not let us fall and wallow. Instead, he will give us new blessings, new miracles. When David destroyed Goliath, King Saul gave him his daughter Michal. She did not like David worshipping. She did not like to see him sing songs of praise or jump up with joy in worship in public places. She mocked him all the time and she was in turn cursed and left barren.
Psalms 40:3 says ‘…Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.’
Seeing this person squirming and crying out loud in distress in a slimy pit and then the Lord helping them out of this pit to a firm place will act as a testimony for others and an encouragement to put their trust in the Lord. Many people will come to faith because of your testimony. God can help you out of any deep, slimy situation. Put your trust in him, hold on to him and trust him with all your heart and your testimony will be the beacon of hope for many around you.
Watch the full video here:
About The Author:

Dr. Damien Antony
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
Posted in Devotional Message, Morning Glory
Posted in God Will take You Out Of Any Pit, Dr. Damien Antony
Posted in God Will take You Out Of Any Pit, Dr. Damien Antony
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