God Is Not A Miser
Each person and family/home go through disparate trials/challenges in life.
Even those who are currently at bliss may face some trials in the future. But every problem has a solution and God is the solver of problems.
Some think that God is only concerned about salvation, heaven and spiritual matters; but the truth is that God is interested in our home affairs. When Adam and Eve sinned against God and became slaves to sin as they ate from the tree about which God had commanded them not to eat, they realised they were naked and sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. However, their hastily constructed fig leaves weren’t adequate to continue to cover their nakedness and therefore, God had an animal sacrificed to make garments of skin for Adam and Eve and He clothed them. If God did so for Adam and Eve, won’t the same God care and provide for our needs?
God is an unchanging God and He is good all the time; moreover the Word encourages us to taste for ourselves and see that the Lord is good.
Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made and was perturbed that Mary was at the feet of Jesus rather than helping her in the kitchen. But Jesus told her not to be worried and upset about many things.
God is willing to be the Lord and provider of our home if we’d give Him a chance; for which we need to have faith in God. Through our unbelief, we put a halt to divine interventions in our life.
2 Corinthians 9:15
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
Jesus and Eternal life are two universal gifts that God the Father has given us; and along with that He freely gives us all things we’d require for our life here on Earth. Those who are wise would first acquire the most valuable gift which is Jesus Himself and eternal life whereas the unwise would go after the earthly blessings. When you get Jesus, you will get everything.
When you receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, He will direct your steps and supply for each step/ phase of your life; He is a loving Father who showers His blessings in due time.
Psalm 65:11
You crown the year with Your bounty, And Your paths overflow.
Jesus is willing to lead you through the path of blessings and miracles, provided you give Him the topmost position in your life and be led by His guidance. Many set their hopes in their dear ones, mainly parents, but they’re all humans who have limitations and can never fully satisfy us. But the Word encourages us to put hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Praise God if your parents aren’t able to provide for you knowing that you will get a direct supply from Abba Father. We are in a season of upgradation and God is changing your life status for His glory, if you’d believe it.
God is not a stingy God, but a lavish Father who provides us with more than we need. Peter fished all night and caught no fish, but when Jesus came to the scene and asked Peter to cast the net, he didn’t get fish just for his family; instead it was a net breaking and boat sinking catch! When Jesus gave thanks to God and multiplied the fish and the bread to feed the large crowd that would have summed up to a minimum of 25000, they all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. That’s the heart of Jesus and today He is blessing you out of His riches! Forget not to give Jesus the No.1 position in your life and home. He is the Bread of Life who can satisfy our deepest needs and longings.
Even those who are currently at bliss may face some trials in the future. But every problem has a solution and God is the solver of problems.
Some think that God is only concerned about salvation, heaven and spiritual matters; but the truth is that God is interested in our home affairs. When Adam and Eve sinned against God and became slaves to sin as they ate from the tree about which God had commanded them not to eat, they realised they were naked and sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. However, their hastily constructed fig leaves weren’t adequate to continue to cover their nakedness and therefore, God had an animal sacrificed to make garments of skin for Adam and Eve and He clothed them. If God did so for Adam and Eve, won’t the same God care and provide for our needs?
God is an unchanging God and He is good all the time; moreover the Word encourages us to taste for ourselves and see that the Lord is good.
Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made and was perturbed that Mary was at the feet of Jesus rather than helping her in the kitchen. But Jesus told her not to be worried and upset about many things.
God is willing to be the Lord and provider of our home if we’d give Him a chance; for which we need to have faith in God. Through our unbelief, we put a halt to divine interventions in our life.
2 Corinthians 9:15
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
Jesus and Eternal life are two universal gifts that God the Father has given us; and along with that He freely gives us all things we’d require for our life here on Earth. Those who are wise would first acquire the most valuable gift which is Jesus Himself and eternal life whereas the unwise would go after the earthly blessings. When you get Jesus, you will get everything.
When you receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, He will direct your steps and supply for each step/ phase of your life; He is a loving Father who showers His blessings in due time.
Psalm 65:11
You crown the year with Your bounty, And Your paths overflow.
Jesus is willing to lead you through the path of blessings and miracles, provided you give Him the topmost position in your life and be led by His guidance. Many set their hopes in their dear ones, mainly parents, but they’re all humans who have limitations and can never fully satisfy us. But the Word encourages us to put hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Praise God if your parents aren’t able to provide for you knowing that you will get a direct supply from Abba Father. We are in a season of upgradation and God is changing your life status for His glory, if you’d believe it.
God is not a stingy God, but a lavish Father who provides us with more than we need. Peter fished all night and caught no fish, but when Jesus came to the scene and asked Peter to cast the net, he didn’t get fish just for his family; instead it was a net breaking and boat sinking catch! When Jesus gave thanks to God and multiplied the fish and the bread to feed the large crowd that would have summed up to a minimum of 25000, they all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. That’s the heart of Jesus and today He is blessing you out of His riches! Forget not to give Jesus the No.1 position in your life and home. He is the Bread of Life who can satisfy our deepest needs and longings.
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