God Raises The Poor From The Dust
In the Bible, God revealed His mind in the prose form and He revealed His emotions and heart in poetry. We see books in the Bible which are songs filled with emotions. For instance, in the first chapter of Genesis, God becomes poetic during the creation of man and woman. In Genesis 2, a song filled with feelings flows out from Adam when he sees Eve, the marvelous and beautiful creation of God.
Similarly, there are two songs we can see in the book of Luke in the New Testament.
The first song was from Mary, Jesus’ mother. After the angelic visitation where it was revealed that God will do big things for her, she went to Elizabeth’s house. Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist had gone into hiding for a couple of months due to the late pregnancy. As we heard from yesterday’s message, when Mary visited her, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she started singing. Here we see that pregnant Mary was in the Holy Spirit, it is Word that became flesh. Even though Elizabeth had a natural pregnancy it was a very difficult and seemingly impossible pregnancy. Mary’s song is courtesy to Hannah's song who was the mother of prophet Samuel from the Old Testament.
Let’s take a look at the story of Hannah-
1 Samuel 2
Hannah was married to Elkanah and she was one of the two wives he had. During that time, polygamy was still prevalent. Unlike Peninnah, Hannah did not have any children. Peninnah kept bearing more and more children as the years went on and Hannah remained barren. Hannah was often ridiculed by Peninnah for the same reason. Elkanah was caught in a jam between the two wives yet he loved Hannah the most.
Hannah felt tremendous pressure on her since she was unable to reproduce an heir for her husband. She used to keep suppressing all her feelings and emotions. She kept it all safely guarded inside her ready to burst. One day when the family had gone to the temple to pray, Hannah’s emotions and feelings burst open like a dam in the presence of God.
Under her breath, she poured out all her pains and released all her pressures into the presence of God. The priest Eli who was watching this unfold misunderstood this as a drunken act stating that this was not prayer. By this time, Hannah had transferred all the pain in her heart to God and was feeling relaxed and at peace. From this, she understood that God had heard all her prayers including her prayer for a child.
One major promise that Hannah made which is precious in the eyes of God was that not only did she pray her prayer from her heart but she promised her future child to God. She was not worried about sending her child abroad or achieving high ranks but she gave importance to surrendering her child to God which is the greatest feat as a parent!
Following the promise Hannah made to God, she gave birth the next year to her son whom she had offered unto God like she promised. And her son grew to become a great prophet. This great act of God occurred in the midst of her grief and she sang a song that's recorded in the second chapter of 1 Samuel. Mary borrowed and sang from Hannah’s song in the book of Luke.
We have to remember that our tongues are powerful! They will sing of the glorious miracles of God. God will look at each of our actions and He will weigh it out. The song by Hannah was something she received from God in prayer that day! And after many generations, Jesus’ mom Mary had an experience of her own and she used Hannah’s song as her inspiration for her own song.
When you share your testimony, it can impact generations. Check out the message titled “The Power of Your Testimony” to learn more!
In conclusion, God will bring down those living in their own pride and he will raise up those who are humble, rely and live depending on the grace of God. God loves the meek who do not rely on their own strength or their own authority but that of God!
Trust and believe in God that He will give you a testimony and a song. Many will listen to this song and believe in God. Many generations and people around the globe will become blessed through your testimony, experiences and the fruit of your prayer!
Similarly, there are two songs we can see in the book of Luke in the New Testament.
The first song was from Mary, Jesus’ mother. After the angelic visitation where it was revealed that God will do big things for her, she went to Elizabeth’s house. Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist had gone into hiding for a couple of months due to the late pregnancy. As we heard from yesterday’s message, when Mary visited her, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she started singing. Here we see that pregnant Mary was in the Holy Spirit, it is Word that became flesh. Even though Elizabeth had a natural pregnancy it was a very difficult and seemingly impossible pregnancy. Mary’s song is courtesy to Hannah's song who was the mother of prophet Samuel from the Old Testament.
Let’s take a look at the story of Hannah-
1 Samuel 2
Hannah was married to Elkanah and she was one of the two wives he had. During that time, polygamy was still prevalent. Unlike Peninnah, Hannah did not have any children. Peninnah kept bearing more and more children as the years went on and Hannah remained barren. Hannah was often ridiculed by Peninnah for the same reason. Elkanah was caught in a jam between the two wives yet he loved Hannah the most.
Hannah felt tremendous pressure on her since she was unable to reproduce an heir for her husband. She used to keep suppressing all her feelings and emotions. She kept it all safely guarded inside her ready to burst. One day when the family had gone to the temple to pray, Hannah’s emotions and feelings burst open like a dam in the presence of God.
Under her breath, she poured out all her pains and released all her pressures into the presence of God. The priest Eli who was watching this unfold misunderstood this as a drunken act stating that this was not prayer. By this time, Hannah had transferred all the pain in her heart to God and was feeling relaxed and at peace. From this, she understood that God had heard all her prayers including her prayer for a child.
One major promise that Hannah made which is precious in the eyes of God was that not only did she pray her prayer from her heart but she promised her future child to God. She was not worried about sending her child abroad or achieving high ranks but she gave importance to surrendering her child to God which is the greatest feat as a parent!
Following the promise Hannah made to God, she gave birth the next year to her son whom she had offered unto God like she promised. And her son grew to become a great prophet. This great act of God occurred in the midst of her grief and she sang a song that's recorded in the second chapter of 1 Samuel. Mary borrowed and sang from Hannah’s song in the book of Luke.
We have to remember that our tongues are powerful! They will sing of the glorious miracles of God. God will look at each of our actions and He will weigh it out. The song by Hannah was something she received from God in prayer that day! And after many generations, Jesus’ mom Mary had an experience of her own and she used Hannah’s song as her inspiration for her own song.
When you share your testimony, it can impact generations. Check out the message titled “The Power of Your Testimony” to learn more!
In conclusion, God will bring down those living in their own pride and he will raise up those who are humble, rely and live depending on the grace of God. God loves the meek who do not rely on their own strength or their own authority but that of God!
Trust and believe in God that He will give you a testimony and a song. Many will listen to this song and believe in God. Many generations and people around the globe will become blessed through your testimony, experiences and the fruit of your prayer!
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