Keys To Open Heaven 7: Enforcing The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth - Part 2
This is a continuation of the message from yesterday. We saw that Jesus told Peter and perhaps the other disciples as well that He is giving them the keys to the kingdom of God. When we talk about the keys to the kingdom of God we are referring to the mysteries and secrets.
Matthew 11:12 says From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it.
Till the time of John the Baptist, the doors of heaven had not been opened. No one in the Old Testament was able to enter into the place, they were able to live in the works and under the shelter of it. However, John the Baptist started preaching that one ought to approach the kingdom of God and repent.
Luke 16:16 says “The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.“The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.
As it is written, people were forcing and pressing their way into it. It is not enough to just say that you want to enter the kingdom of God, you should force your way into it! You should have the mindset that no one can prevent you from entering into the kingdom of God.
Matthew 10:35-39 says
(35) For I have come to turn
“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
(36) a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[a] (37) “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (38) Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. (39) Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
Only violent men can enter the kingdom of heaven. This does not refer to the physically or mentally violent but you must be violent in your effort to push ahead of everything in life and force yourself into it.
During times of war, people do not ask and enter into a kingdom. Rather, they forcefully enter into the other kingdom. Similarly, we need to forcibly push forward to enter into the kingdom of God. To conquer other kingdoms people use guns and bombs. But, to conquer the kingdom of God, we do it through repentance and through a great sense of need by faith, and with a great sense of ambition.
God gives peace to those with whom He is pleased. God did not come to give the entire world peace.
Another entry is through Kingdom Prayer. By claiming the benefits of God’s Kingdom through prayer.
Matthew 6:10 says your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:33 says But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
The prayer that God taught is an all-inclusive prayer. It includes worldly needs, physical needs, mental needs, emotional needs, etc.
1 John 5:19 says We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
In the kingdom of God, everything happens according to His will. Unlike the world where the devil’s will and man’s will also exist. During the heyday of the Roman Empire, there was great growth. The Empire continuously sent out men to take over new territory. They did not conquer just to ruin the territories rather, to make the captured territories like Rome by giving it care and importance. Roman education, arts, culture, religion, etc was imparted, even their bath system.
Even India still follows a lot of the British systems. From our english spellings, railways, dam structures and many infrastructures, are all what the British had implemented in India.
Romans 14:17 says For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,
Inside the kingdom of God resides righteousness, peace and joy and only those who have entry to the Kingdom receive these things into their lives. Take a moment of self-reflection and ask yourself if you are sure that you are currently residing in the Kingdom of God. If there is a tiny room for doubt, that means that you are not there yet and you are residing in the kingdom of the devil at present.
Matthew 11:12 says From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it.
Till the time of John the Baptist, the doors of heaven had not been opened. No one in the Old Testament was able to enter into the place, they were able to live in the works and under the shelter of it. However, John the Baptist started preaching that one ought to approach the kingdom of God and repent.
Luke 16:16 says “The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.“The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.
As it is written, people were forcing and pressing their way into it. It is not enough to just say that you want to enter the kingdom of God, you should force your way into it! You should have the mindset that no one can prevent you from entering into the kingdom of God.
Matthew 10:35-39 says
(35) For I have come to turn
“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
(36) a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[a] (37) “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (38) Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. (39) Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
Only violent men can enter the kingdom of heaven. This does not refer to the physically or mentally violent but you must be violent in your effort to push ahead of everything in life and force yourself into it.
During times of war, people do not ask and enter into a kingdom. Rather, they forcefully enter into the other kingdom. Similarly, we need to forcibly push forward to enter into the kingdom of God. To conquer other kingdoms people use guns and bombs. But, to conquer the kingdom of God, we do it through repentance and through a great sense of need by faith, and with a great sense of ambition.
God gives peace to those with whom He is pleased. God did not come to give the entire world peace.
Another entry is through Kingdom Prayer. By claiming the benefits of God’s Kingdom through prayer.
Matthew 6:10 says your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:33 says But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
The prayer that God taught is an all-inclusive prayer. It includes worldly needs, physical needs, mental needs, emotional needs, etc.
1 John 5:19 says We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
In the kingdom of God, everything happens according to His will. Unlike the world where the devil’s will and man’s will also exist. During the heyday of the Roman Empire, there was great growth. The Empire continuously sent out men to take over new territory. They did not conquer just to ruin the territories rather, to make the captured territories like Rome by giving it care and importance. Roman education, arts, culture, religion, etc was imparted, even their bath system.
Even India still follows a lot of the British systems. From our english spellings, railways, dam structures and many infrastructures, are all what the British had implemented in India.
Romans 14:17 says For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,
Inside the kingdom of God resides righteousness, peace and joy and only those who have entry to the Kingdom receive these things into their lives. Take a moment of self-reflection and ask yourself if you are sure that you are currently residing in the Kingdom of God. If there is a tiny room for doubt, that means that you are not there yet and you are residing in the kingdom of the devil at present.
Watch the full video here:
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