Vision For Future
If you receive a vision from heaven, your whole life will be transformed! We learnt from the life of Saul yesterday regarding his life transformation. When Paul saw the vision from God, his whole life changed.
Acts 2:17 says “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
We need to understand that the Holy Spirit is the bringer of heavenly visions. The agent who gives us Godly visions is the Holy Spirit.
Paul Yonggi Cho, a preacher, used to always say “Visions and dreams are the language of the Holy Spirit”. This is the mode of communication between the Holy Spirit and the world. Visions are a sign of open heaven. These visions are a free gift from the Lord. Visions can come in the form of dreams, it can come during time of prayer or when your eyes are open. It can also be like what Peter received, a trance vision, and so on.
Young people tend to have ambition over visions. Young people need to pray for more of heavenly visions generated and supplied by the Holy Spirit.
God visits us through various means and acts upon us by many instruments and tools and wins us in different ways. Heavenly vision is sure to come during the days of one’s youth. The mind should be more open and the heart more tender to receive the vision. Ambition should change so visions can come in. This is applicable for people from all age groups.
When people hear the question ‘what is your vision in life’, they give answers like ‘I want to be a pilot’ or doctor or engineer, etc. But this is just your ambition. In this place if you receive the vision of God, it is much more powerful and life altering!
Luke 11:34 says Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy,[a] your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy,[b] your body also is full of darkness.
Our eyes can capture 4 million bytes of information per second in just one look. It is the greatest camera in the world, designed and created by God. If you lose your vision, you lose direction and will be in darkness. Our spiritual eyes have the capacity to capture images through the Holy Spirit to embrace the vision from God for our life.
Acts 2:17 says “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
We need to understand that the Holy Spirit is the bringer of heavenly visions. The agent who gives us Godly visions is the Holy Spirit.
Paul Yonggi Cho, a preacher, used to always say “Visions and dreams are the language of the Holy Spirit”. This is the mode of communication between the Holy Spirit and the world. Visions are a sign of open heaven. These visions are a free gift from the Lord. Visions can come in the form of dreams, it can come during time of prayer or when your eyes are open. It can also be like what Peter received, a trance vision, and so on.
Young people tend to have ambition over visions. Young people need to pray for more of heavenly visions generated and supplied by the Holy Spirit.
God visits us through various means and acts upon us by many instruments and tools and wins us in different ways. Heavenly vision is sure to come during the days of one’s youth. The mind should be more open and the heart more tender to receive the vision. Ambition should change so visions can come in. This is applicable for people from all age groups.
When people hear the question ‘what is your vision in life’, they give answers like ‘I want to be a pilot’ or doctor or engineer, etc. But this is just your ambition. In this place if you receive the vision of God, it is much more powerful and life altering!
Luke 11:34 says Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy,[a] your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy,[b] your body also is full of darkness.
Our eyes can capture 4 million bytes of information per second in just one look. It is the greatest camera in the world, designed and created by God. If you lose your vision, you lose direction and will be in darkness. Our spiritual eyes have the capacity to capture images through the Holy Spirit to embrace the vision from God for our life.
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