Vision Of The Salvation Plan
This week we have been focusing on the importance of visions and what we should see in our visions. The next important vision to have is that of God’s salvation plan. God has a plan to save man and humanity. Just like how we have projects to make buildings and aircrafts, God has a redemption project.
Titus 2:11 says For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.
God does not wish for anyone to go to hell. It is completely our choice. We are the ones who make the decision about where to go, and how to live our lives. These days the wealthy people decide to travel to outerspace, to visit other planets on a whim like how we used to decide whether to go to Ooty or Munnar for a short vacation. No matter which planet man migrates to, man has an expiry date. This is why we should have a vision of God’s salvation plan, and salvation project and package.
In South America, in a place called Columbia, there is an institution that gives out bibles to schools and colleges called Gideons International. They used to distribute their pocket Bible. In fact, I used to have one during my college days! Similarly, a school girl from Columbia got ahold of this pocket Bible. After reading the Bible, she believed in Jesus and got saved, and she was overjoyed. This girl’s father, who worked in a mine, saw her reading the Bible and grabbed it from her and demanded that she never read it again. He claimed it was a book full of lies, took it from her and went to work. It was on that fateful day that the mine caved in and those inside were trapped.
The company put a lot of effort to save the 31 miners stuck inside including the girl’s father. After 5 days, when they finally got through, no one had survived. But there was an amazing sight in front of them! The girl’s father was kneeling down in a praying position with his hands together and in between was the Bible, untouched. When the soldiers removed the pocket Bible from the father’s hands, they noticed a letter addressed towards his daughter. Within the Bible there is an area to note down the date one got saved and in that card, the father had signed that card. And on the other side, the names of the 31 miners were also included in the card meaning that they all received Jesus into their lives while being trapped!
Just like this girl’s father, we too can avoid such unfortunate encounters in our life if we have faith and receive His salvation in our lives!
Luke 19:10 says For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
The good news that is shared in the Word of God is most spread through relationships that people have. We should not be focused on changing religions, rather changing the person. God has given each of us the message we should be delivering this message, the good news like postmen deliver letters. Only if we spread the gospel can we help others get saved. Imagine the countless amount of people who are unsaved because no one shared the good news with them!
Share the Gospel! Preach the Gospel! Talk about your testimony!
Titus 2:11 says For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.
God does not wish for anyone to go to hell. It is completely our choice. We are the ones who make the decision about where to go, and how to live our lives. These days the wealthy people decide to travel to outerspace, to visit other planets on a whim like how we used to decide whether to go to Ooty or Munnar for a short vacation. No matter which planet man migrates to, man has an expiry date. This is why we should have a vision of God’s salvation plan, and salvation project and package.
In South America, in a place called Columbia, there is an institution that gives out bibles to schools and colleges called Gideons International. They used to distribute their pocket Bible. In fact, I used to have one during my college days! Similarly, a school girl from Columbia got ahold of this pocket Bible. After reading the Bible, she believed in Jesus and got saved, and she was overjoyed. This girl’s father, who worked in a mine, saw her reading the Bible and grabbed it from her and demanded that she never read it again. He claimed it was a book full of lies, took it from her and went to work. It was on that fateful day that the mine caved in and those inside were trapped.
The company put a lot of effort to save the 31 miners stuck inside including the girl’s father. After 5 days, when they finally got through, no one had survived. But there was an amazing sight in front of them! The girl’s father was kneeling down in a praying position with his hands together and in between was the Bible, untouched. When the soldiers removed the pocket Bible from the father’s hands, they noticed a letter addressed towards his daughter. Within the Bible there is an area to note down the date one got saved and in that card, the father had signed that card. And on the other side, the names of the 31 miners were also included in the card meaning that they all received Jesus into their lives while being trapped!
Just like this girl’s father, we too can avoid such unfortunate encounters in our life if we have faith and receive His salvation in our lives!
Luke 19:10 says For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
The good news that is shared in the Word of God is most spread through relationships that people have. We should not be focused on changing religions, rather changing the person. God has given each of us the message we should be delivering this message, the good news like postmen deliver letters. Only if we spread the gospel can we help others get saved. Imagine the countless amount of people who are unsaved because no one shared the good news with them!
Share the Gospel! Preach the Gospel! Talk about your testimony!
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